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PHP: Get current year seasons, per year not just for the current year

I thought that getting the current year's season would be something easy but after a lot of searching i only found online solutions for the current year e.g. 2020, 2019 etc.

Of course, this was not the best solution because i would have to remember each day to update this function. This is my solution.

function get_current_year_season() {

 $seasons = [
  'winter' => [
  'start' => '01-12',
  'end' => '28-02',
  'months' => ['12','01','02'],
 'spring' => [
 'start' => '01-03',
 'end' => '31-05',
 'months' => ['03','04','05'],
 'summer' => [
 'start' => '01-06',
 'end' => '31-08',
 'months' => ['06','07','08'],
 'fall' => [
 'start' => '01-09',
 'end' => '30-11',
 'months' => ['09','10','11'],
$today = new \DateTime();
$current_month = $today->format('m');
//Check if the year is a leap year (29th of Feb)
$leap_year_date = '29-02-'.$today->format('Y');
$is_leap_year = new \Datetime($leap_year_date);
if ($leap_year_date === $is_leap_year->format('d-m-Y')) {
$seasons['winter']['end'] = '29-02';
foreach ($seasons as $season_name => $season) {
if (in_array($current_month,$season['months'])) {
return [
'season' => $season_name,
'period' => [
'start' => new \DateTime($season['start'].'-'.$today->format('Y')),
'end' => new \DateTime($season['end'].'-'.$today->format('Y')),


php date