This is how you can dynamically modify the content displayed in the "empty" area of your "custom" view when it's rendered as a block, based on the configuration's empty header text. Of course you can update the conditions as you think they fit better for you. You can put this into your web/modules/custom/custom.module file.
Although this is of course available from within views admin ui section, sometimes in production for example you might not provide for security reasons the views_ui module making it hard for modifying the empty header text message of a view.
* Implements hook_views_pre_render().
function custom_views_pre_render(ViewExecutable $view) {
// Get the display style of the view.
$display_style = $view->getDisplay()->display['display_plugin'];
if ($view->id() === 'custom_view_machine_name' &&
$display_style === 'block' &&
empty($view->result)) {
$config = \Drupal::config('custom_module.settings');
$empty_header_text = $config->get('views.custom.empty_text');
if (isset($empty_header_text) && !empty(trim($empty_header_text))) {
->options['content']['value'] = t($empty_header_text);